4 Ways to Get Organized for Spring Cleaning

It’s almost here – the First Day of Spring! Here in Ohio, the weather may or may not cooperate on the “official” day, but just imagine: very soon, we’ll all be throwing open the windows, shaking out the rugs and giving the whole house a breath of fresh air.

Now’s the time to take stock of your spring cleaning supplies, and perhaps, add some new ones to your arsenal.

  1. The Right Brush Makes It Easy

Difficult cleaning jobs require just the right tool to make the job quick, easy and effective. Hard-to-reach places? Tight spaces? This spring, really clean your ceiling fans, dryer vents, refrigerator coils and small items like teakettles, baby bottles and sink drains. We have a brush for every job. 

For dusting electronics and collectibles, we recommend natural lamb’s wool and ostrich feather dusters. Both contain thousands of soft fibers that act as a magnet for dust but won’t scratch your valuables.

  1. Don’t Forget the Walls

It’s amazing how much grime and dust get trapped on wall surfaces, especially if you have a wood stove or oil-burning furnace. Our Amish-Made Wall Mop scrubs walls clean with a gentle, super-absorbent, machine-washable microfiber head. With its extendable handle, it reaches up to 8’ high and around furniture easily. Very popular in Amish homes, we love it so much we use it in our homes, too!

  1. Solve Those Laundry Dilemmas

Keep laundry day neat and tidy with our unique, space-saving laundry tools. Our sturdy wooden adjustable clothes dryer makes the most of small spaces. Instead of extending out, it extends up. Its two notches allows you to choose from two heights and is perfect for apartments, small homes and laundry rooms.

  1. Save Money By Making Laundry Soap

Have you tried making laundry soap yet? It’s all the rage with thrifty homesteaders because it’s easy, gentle on clothes and sensitive skin, and extremely money-saving, too.  All you need are a few tools and supplies, like borax, washing soda, Fels-Naptha soda, and a big bucket.  Try this simple laundry soap recipe.

Find all these home solutions, and dozens more, at our store in Kidron and Lehmans.com. Happy Spring Cleaning, everyone!

Originally posted in March 2017

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