Teenage Gardener Shares Tips for First-Time Growers
You can have the oh-so-satisfying experience of harvesting your own vegetables and how it feels to eat something you grew yourself. You’ll love the taste even more.
You can have the oh-so-satisfying experience of harvesting your own vegetables and how it feels to eat something you grew yourself. You’ll love the taste even more.
With a few dollars’ investment in seeds, you can enjoy a lifetime of free, fresh, healthy, organic salad.
Herbs for tea are extremely easy to grow and often perennial. Here’s how to plan your own tea garden, plus tips on harvesting, storing and brewing.
I can remember my Grandma going out every evening into her little garden. She would gently pick some of this, snip some of that and always cut a big bunch of zinnias to brighten her kitchen table. Now I keep my own kitchen garden. Here’s why.
My mother remembers my grandma making this nearly every spring. It was a spring tonic, just what one needed after a long, cold winter…
Gardening in raised beds saves water, your back and may even give you a longer growing season.
Learn hands-on, DIY skills with our new in-store class series, Homemade 101! Also, get to know the instructor of our first class, organic gardener Karen Geiser.
The snow lies deep in the back pasture. The wind whines sharply between the branches of the pine trees and the days remain painfully
Add a garden journal as one of your garden tools and help your garden become an “all you can reap buffet.”
A new year means new maintenance and projects for any homeowner. Get inspired to create your own 2017 home checklist! Here’s a start.
Tips and Tools for Homemade Bread
Sourdough Bread for Beginners: What I’ve Learned
Tree Tapping: Advice from a Maple Syrup Expert
How to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Actually Stick
Community Recipes: Christy’s Old-Fashioned Tuna Noodle Casserole
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