American Gardens: Winding Up The Season
As the days are growing shorter, our American Gardeners are sharing their end of season experiences. Two had great seasons.
As the days are growing shorter, our American Gardeners are sharing their end of season experiences. Two had great seasons.
Urban homesteader BGirard shares her simple recipe for fermenting vegetables…in her usual brash style. Read more, and try it yourself!
Things are growing so fast now, and I’m just trying to keep up!” American Gardener Tim heads toward harvest season.
The pesky Mexican Bean Beetle can wipe out an entire bean crop. I learned a simple way to keep my beans safe.
The garden is doing great, and I’m starting to harvest lots of goodies!
Ohio’s American Gardener Tim has been busy–there’s the garden at the house, and then there’s the “Buckeye Garden” he’s planted at the land he and his partner have purchased for their eventual off-grid retirement place.
Our urban American Gardener Birke is tenacious! A cold Midwest spring played havoc with her plot, but she’s persevering…and doing some preserving.
Out here in the desert, gardening is quite challenging. I guess that’s why it’s so rewarding, despite the special measures we use to defend against Mother Nature.
My seeds have sprouted…I have found some winners here and I can’t wait to share what I have learned.
American Gardener Kendra is having great success with heirloom seeds in her mountain micro-climate near the North Carolina-Tennesee border!
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