Food Preservation

Very Cool Customers … and Their Stories

Organic gardener, author, blog contributor, and mother of five, Karen Geiser, is no stranger to country living. She shares her expert advice with customers just as if they have pulled up a chair on her front porch

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Riding Out the Storm

There is a lesson to be learned from the hit-or-miss pattern of snow and wind, and that’s that the forecast models are not precise. Weather people do a good job, but you really never know. Always, just in case, we take storm preparedness seriously. I find that is far better to have things ready that I don’t need than it is to need something major that I don’t have.

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Living Big in a Small Space, Part 1: How We Arrived

Shipping containers are a wonderful, quick, long-lasting, instant building. If uninsulated, they are, however, quite cold inside, especially when it dips down below freezing at night. When that happens, breath condenses and freezes on the inside and then when the sun comes up in the morning it melts and drips down on everything…

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4 Ways You Can Learn From Great Depression Wisdom

My 85-year-old grandmother was a young girl during the Great Depression. I recently popped in to “pick her brain” about ways I can apply all that hard-earned wit and wisdom to my own life, in 2015. Here’s what I learned.

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