
A Century Old Tradition: Knives by Franz Güde

It’s rare today to find knives that are still made by hand, especially in the age of automation and mass production. However, Güde knives are just that, reminding of us of a time when it wasn’t about how many you could make, but how well you could make them.

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Book Review: Apples, Apples Everywhere

It’s more than a country cookbook, although it’s certainly that. It’s a snapshot of how apples continue to be a mainstay in America’s agricultural picture. It’ll be a great addition to your cookbook shelf, or your bookshelf.

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My Kitchen Is Alive!

Hannah Breckbill is settling in for the winter season on her homestead. And she’s indulging her favorite food preservation technique: fermentation! Find out how to get into a pickle yourself.

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Pumpkin Surprise At Barefoot Farm

Organic gardner and preparation expert Kathy Harrison is surprised by the resiliency of the squashes in her homestead’s garden. And one bright surprise makes her day.

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