Are You Ready? September is National Preparedness Month!
All month, we’ll feature articles to help you and your family stay safe.
All month, we’ll feature articles to help you and your family stay safe.
From dirty laundry to bathrooms to the garbage can, my nose is often assaulted with the normal smells of an active household. Here’s a quick, all-natural fix you can customize using your favorite jars and scents.
Check out how I save my family over $900 per year with the following DIY laundry tips!
There’s something very comforting about seeing a winter’s worth of wood all lined up in neat rows under a lean-to shed roof, or along a fencerow, or even in a well-formed pile …
When the day is done, and the herd of goats has been milked and put out to pasture, we get on with our evening ritual, which always involves lighting the only lamp in our camper-turned-home.
Sorghum. At last the project has reached completion. From mail-ordered seeds that arrived in May, to sorghum syrup in my jars on the counter, to molasses crinkle cookies.
Spend a few minutes today checking over your emergency supplies. You never know when you might be very glad you did.
Anna belongs to one of the strictest orders of the Amish, so I expected her house to be very bare, almost austere. But I was wrong.
Making fresh, creamy, preservative-free homemade butter is simpler than you think! All you need are a couple easy-to-find ingredients, the right tools and a little bit of time.
Try this simple, old-time recipe for pickled fiddlehead ferns – a delicious springtime delicacy.
How to Get the Most Heat from Your Wood Stove
DIY Beekeeping for Beginners: How to Start and Care for Your Hive
How to Make Liquid Soap at Home: A Simple Beginner-Friendly Recipe
Tips and Tools for Cast Iron Cookware
Tips and Tools for Emergency Preparedness
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