Sustainable Farming with Joel Salatin
Learn about Joel Salatin’s sustainable farming practices in our exclusive interview.
Learn about Joel Salatin’s sustainable farming practices in our exclusive interview.
Meet Joel Salatin. Learn more about this trailblazing farmer’s love for the earth and the growth of Polyface Farm at his upcoming visit to Lehman’s.
Are you interested in producing your own honey at home? Follow Sarah Kroger as she attends a beekeeping class at Lehman’s to learn more about honey bees!
Every garden as its ups and downs. One beginner gardener shares the highlights from last year’s bounty and the lessons she learned along the way.
Hannah shares her experience with heating her yurt. “It’s definitely more work to heat with wood than to heat with gas or electricity, but it feels good!”
what’s a garden girl to do while the snow lies deep? Well, she hunkers down with her seed catalogs and last year’s records and starts planning her garden.
Our land has given us so much bounty. We’ve raised chickens for meat and eggs, goats for milk, and more, but making our own maple syrup was a sweet first.
In order to live on the land where I work, I need a dwelling, one that I can put up with a few days’ work. That’s why a yurt is the perfect choice.
It’s true, splitting wood takes time and it takes energy… but oh is it ever worth it!
This is part two of our interview with Winter Cover Farms. Learn about the perks of planting bare root trees and how to give your orchard the care it needs.
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Community Recipes: Plow Boys (Pork and Potatoes)
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