Cooking with the Earth and Sun!
In the Arizona desert, you have to get creative with your cooking. I hate to heat the house up at any time!
In the Arizona desert, you have to get creative with your cooking. I hate to heat the house up at any time!
Ohio’s American Gardener Tim has been busy–there’s the garden at the house, and then there’s the “Buckeye Garden” he’s planted at the land he and his partner have purchased for their eventual off-grid retirement place.
Bonita is my goat, but she is also my personal barista.
Out here in the desert, gardening is quite challenging. I guess that’s why it’s so rewarding, despite the special measures we use to defend against Mother Nature.
Semi-pro cook Kathy Anderson starts with Carroll’s “Home Cheesemaking”, uses raw milk from her delivery dairy, and winds up with four batches of tasty Neufchatel.
What happens when you mix chickens, an engineer, and a woodworker? A phenomenal chicken condo of course!
Our life isn’t about having all the modern conveniences, bells and whistles. It’s about doing things in a way that is thoughtful while caring for and conserving our resources.
I was beginning to lose hope but at long last my seeds have decided to welcome spring. I have flats and greenhouses…and they’re getting green!
Artist Rosemary Mosco is the creative force behind the bird comic site She graciously agreed to share this guide on handling foundling
In 2013, American Gardener (and Prepper Dad) Tim and his family canned and froze hundreds of containers of produce from what they’re calling the ‘small garden’. Take a look at what he did last year…for 2014, he’s planning even bigger!
Stocking Your Pantry: Tips for Using Your Preserved Food Wisely
Popcorn Guide: How to Choose the Right Corn for Popping
Everything Corn: Top Tools for Cutting, Shelling and Grinding
Podcast Episode: Farming with Rex and Ryan Tietje
Easy Corn Recipes: How to Savor Your Fresh Corn
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