Maple Syrup from the Lehman Sugarbush
For 65 years, my family has been making what is (in my totally unbiased opinion) the best tasting maple syrup in the world. It’s a lot of work. But it’s deliciously worthwhile!
For 65 years, my family has been making what is (in my totally unbiased opinion) the best tasting maple syrup in the world. It’s a lot of work. But it’s deliciously worthwhile!
Get grounded in the basics of choosing a wood stove for your home. Read up on the three types of wood heaters, and choose the best for your needs.
Hang-drying not only will you save money on your power bill, you’ll also spend less replacing your wardrobe.
I have loved ducks for as long as I can remember. I have WANTED ducks for as long as I can remember. Once we got our homestead, I worked on Norm for a very long time to allow me to get ducks.
There are things we don’t identify as stupid until after we’ve done them. We blindly act with no idea that disaster is approaching us at warp speed. I learned this on a humid, mid-August day in 1946.
We live out in West Cavan near the Northern Ireland border. Because of the thirty years of troubles this area became depopulated of humans but the wildlife really moved in…
A wringer washer gets clothes clean in a minimum of time, using a minimum of water and a minimum of detergent. You can do a whole family’s laundry in one morning per week, and not even think about it for another week. It gets grungy clothes clean without having to use spot cleaners or pre-washes or soaks or whatever.
Here at Land’s End in Short Beach we are busily winding up the years work trying to stay ahead of winter! The past
Here at Ash Lane farm, we don’t have many animals to care for. We have about fifteen chickens at the moment and two
Have I ever mentioned that we call our place “Sagging Acres”? The fences are sagging, the barn roof is sagging, the horse’s back
How to Get the Most Heat from Your Wood Stove
DIY Beekeeping for Beginners: How to Start and Care for Your Hive
How to Make Liquid Soap at Home: A Simple Beginner-Friendly Recipe
Tips and Tools for Cast Iron Cookware
Tips and Tools for Emergency Preparedness
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Kidron, OH 44618
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