Leaving the City for a Simpler Life
The year 2020 has brought about many changes. One of the most exciting is the number of people embarking on new journeys toward a simpler life.
The year 2020 has brought about many changes. One of the most exciting is the number of people embarking on new journeys toward a simpler life.
Life on the farm doesn’t stop even when times are hard. What if we saw these daily non-negotiables as anchors of certainty in our lives?
How would your garden change if you daydreamed a little bit about it? Learn how to use the off-season to renew your joy of gardening.
Sustainable living is on the rise! Discover how the skills of our grandparents are the key to cultivating our future.
What do you do with a lot of free time? This year many folks have tried new hobbies and refreshed old skills from gardening to baking.
Chickens, like most animals, do far better in the cold than the heat. Here are five easy ways to make your chickens more comfortable this winter.
Chores on the homestead don’t have to be drudgery. Local gardener Karen Geiser shares how she and her children work together in a fun, efficient way.
Nearly 30 years ago, my husband and I took the road less traveled. We have forged our own unpaved path toward a self-sustaining homestead.
Starting a garden? The biggest factor in garden success is your soil quality. Find soil tips here from expert local organic gardener Karen Geiser.
Thinking about raising goats? Here are six essentials things you should know before you bring goats to your backyard.
How to Get the Most Heat from Your Wood Stove
DIY Beekeeping for Beginners: How to Start and Care for Your Hive
How to Make Liquid Soap at Home: A Simple Beginner-Friendly Recipe
Tips and Tools for Cast Iron Cookware
Tips and Tools for Emergency Preparedness
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Kidron, OH 44618
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