Green Tomatoes Week: Classic Fried
These are about as basic as they get. Green tomatoes have a very delicate flavor and can be overwhelmed with other seasonings.
These are about as basic as they get. Green tomatoes have a very delicate flavor and can be overwhelmed with other seasonings.
It wasn’t any cheaper to make soda myself, but it was fun, and definitely a great alternative to commercial soft drinks. Plus, the variety of flavors you can create is endless.
No one can deny that bacon is still, well, HOT. What’s more, it makes five of your favorite foods even better – write-home-worthy, if you will.
9 veggies to grill, plus cooking times and 5 simple, amazing sauces to brush on before and after grilling. YUM!
Pizzas on the grill is a great idea for parties. Make your dough rounds and stack them separated by parchment paper. You can keep them in the refrigerator for up to 2 hours before cooking.
When a hunter friend of ours had his freezer that was packed with venison go out, he decided to bless us with some of the thawed hunks of meat. Knowing my family would never be able to eat it all before it went bad, and that it wouldn’t be safe to re-freeze the raw venison, I decided to take the opportunity to experiment with my new pressure canner. And I was pleasantly surprised to find how easy it was to can my own meat!
I beg you, make these. And while you’re at it, double the batch. ‘Cause if your home is anything like mine, they won’t make it through the night!
Though I’m still trying to acquire a taste for deer roasts and stews, I absolutely love deer jerky. If you’ve never made it, you have to give it a try.
The tender portion of the garlic scape can be chopped and used like an onion scallion in recipes and it offers a delightful mild garlic flavor. They are excellent in soups, stir-fries, pesto…
The first thing you will notice in these recipes is the emphasis on fresh produce. In Italy, what turns up on the menu is commonly influenced by what is available and freshest at the local daily market.
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