Cold Weather Breakfasts to Warm Your Insides
Start with a hot, hearty breakfast that takes the chill away and keeps you going until lunchtime!
Start with a hot, hearty breakfast that takes the chill away and keeps you going until lunchtime!
Happy National Bean Day! If you have never enjoyed a good fresh pot of homemade beans, you are really missing out. Here are nine yummy ways to utilize the humble yet great BEAN!
Eggs will never taste so good as when they’re cooked in golden butter you worked for yourself.
This “souper”-healthy recipe fills you up with lots of vegetables, plus protein-and-fiber-rich quinoa. Dig in!
I cautiously approached the table, and nearly dropped to the floor. My poor humble loaf of bread was proudly posing with the blue ribbon. Here’s the recipe for that award-winning bread!
Basic sauerkraut is the gateway of fermented foods. It’s straightforward and simple, the ingredients are inexpensive, and the reward is fairly quick. It is wonderfully sour, slightly crunchy, and fantastic loaded onto a big sandwich for a burst of flavor or eating right out of the jar as a daily probiotic.
Auntie Flo lived right next door to us. Her door was always open to my four brothers and me. Try her recipe for fall’s favorite cookie.
With this method you can enjoy fresh, warm apple butter in a few minutes instead of hours.
Curious about making fermented foods, but not sure where to start? This is the launchpad recipe for you!
The cake turned out PERFECTLY – the precise ratio of juicy blueberries to moist zucchini, and the icing alone was to die for. Ah, summer – don’t leave us too soon!
Tips and Tools for Emergency Preparedness
Community Recipes: Plow Boys (Pork and Potatoes)
Tips and Tools for Wood Stoves
Make-Ahead Recipes for Your Valentine
Podcast Episode: Non-Electric Living with Patrice Lewis
Tips and Tools for Using Oil Lamps
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