Nut-Free Desserts Ideal For Those With Allergy
It’s not hard to put together tasty nut-free desserts everyone will love. Try these two quick recipes. Your family will clamor for more, please!
It’s not hard to put together tasty nut-free desserts everyone will love. Try these two quick recipes. Your family will clamor for more, please!
Carla Emery’s book shows that a simple lifestyle isn’t one deprived of rewards and riches. Discover them and add them to your way of country living in this great resource.
Simple scoops are easy to make from empty vinegar and 2-liter soda bottles. All you need are kitchen shears!
This is nature I am planning with, things change. I cannot control these things, but I can plan for the eventualities.
We bring comfort and hold memories of good times and good food, shared history and the warmth of community.
No matter who has your heart this Valentine’s Day, you can customize this basic cupcake recipe to meet their heart’s desire!
After Country Life’s articles on making laundry soap and dishwasher soap, we heard you loud and clear: how about some dish soap? Here are the results!
What is that makes us love gardening so much? Besides the fun we have squashing bugs and pulling weeds, there is a real sense of accomplishment. But, there are practical reasons, too!
Because of the random nature of the donated denims, each of the woven rugs are one of a kind. There’s no set pattern. They just use every single inch they can salvage, turning out gorgeous handwoven pieces.
Until we learn how to tap our maple trees and boil down our own syrup (yes, it is on our list of things to do here on our homestead!), this is the recipe I make to satisfy our craving for maple-icious pancakes.
Community Recipes: Plow Boys (Pork and Potatoes)
Tips and Tools for Wood Stoves
Make-Ahead Recipes for Your Valentine
Podcast Episode: Non-Electric Living with Patrice Lewis
Tips and Tools for Using Oil Lamps
Community Recipes: Mama Mary’s Meatloaf in a Cast Iron Skillet
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Kidron, OH 44618
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