Part II: An Amish Church Sunday
Recently, a local woman attended an Amish church service, and recorded her impressions. We’re so pleased that she has agreed to share them with us–and with you. This is the conclusion of a two-part article.
Recently, a local woman attended an Amish church service, and recorded her impressions. We’re so pleased that she has agreed to share them with us–and with you. This is the conclusion of a two-part article.
Recently, a local woman attended an Amish church service, and recorded her impressions. We’re so pleased that she has agreed to share them with us–and with you.
Think about using your lamps more regularly, like we do. I know you’ll love the experience. There is something about the soft glow of a hurricane lamp that makes a room more peaceful.
This New Year is a great time to focus on essentials, to tidy away, and take stock. For instance, consider the herb and seasonings cupboard. How to trim down to the most used and important to you?
At our house we have a set of sleigh bells which hang on our kitchen door. Winter guests are greeted by the cheery sound of the bells when they walk into the warm house.
Have we, as a society, slipped so far into the technological age that we’ve forgotten how to allow our children to play using… *gasp*… nothing but their imagination?
When dealing with minor ailments for family members, my first choice is searching for things in my kitchen cupboards or from the garden rather than unpronounceable chemicals found in drug store aisles. Since it is the season for “winter yuck,†I have gathered some of the basic remedies our family uses this time of year.
During my years as a camp cook, this tasty, cake-like variation on oatmeal won rave reviews from guest groups. Even diehard oatmeal-haters have been known to change their minds after trying it!
During a recent, unseasonably warm December, blogger Kathy Harrison decided to make some hot cocoa mix to get into the spirit of the season. Now that it’s cold across the US, you can warm up with her recipe!
A potager is purposeful and utilitarian in nature as seen in delightful kitchen beds of England, but designed with aesthetic beauty in mind.
Tips and Tools for Emergency Preparedness
Community Recipes: Plow Boys (Pork and Potatoes)
Tips and Tools for Wood Stoves
Make-Ahead Recipes for Your Valentine
Podcast Episode: Non-Electric Living with Patrice Lewis
Tips and Tools for Using Oil Lamps
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